Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Some Solid, Pro-Conservative Reasons Why You're Voting for Barack Obama

So, you support Barack Obama and your parents think he just may in fact be the anti-Christ and will usher in a time of zombies wandering the landscape eating the brains of the innocent, forced abortions, mandatory murder and higher taxes. How do you break the news to your parents without causing them to fall into a permanent conniption fit?

One way to approach this is to highlight Obama's socially conservative views and actions as compared to John McCain's. Here are a few reasons you can throw out there that may serve to mollify your parents and keep your family relationship strong:

  • "Barack Obama is a family man. John McCain is a twice-married, adulterer. I just can't support that."

  • "I support American Veterans. They have fought for my freedom, after all. John McCain does not support them. Barack Obama does."

  • "John McCain is not very religious and has called Pat Robertson an agent of intolerance. Barack Obama is a church-going Christian."

This is just a starter list, feel free to add more. Remember, the family you save could be your own.

Mission statement for "Sorry Dad, I voted for Obama"

More than any other election in modern history, the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election has the potential to truly destroy the fabric of American society. With the United States experiencing a massive divide between Conservatives and Liberals, this election is much more than a battle between Barack Obama and John McCain - it is a battle of ideology and belief systems. More than that even, it's a battle of generations.

This Web site is dedicated to one specific issue - helping liberal voters maintain a solid relationship with their conservative parents. This election will very likely see many cast their first-ever vote in an election, and most of the credit for that can be placed at the feet at the Senator from Illinois. Following eight years of conservative rule, many Americans are hungry for change. They are hungry for someone that stands for change and compassion, someone who represents them. Obama fills these requirements brilliantly, he is young, intelligent and personable. And he is a modern man.

For many conservatives, however, Obama is more than just a candidate for President - he is the most horrifying threat to everything they believe in since, well, John Kerry, Al Gore and Bill Clinton. So while many liberal parents could likely deal with the idea of their child casting a vote for John McCain, for conservative parents, the idea of having their offspring cast a vote for Barack Obama is the type of thing that could very possibly lead to disownment.

At "Sorry Dad, I Voted for Obama," we hope to help keep American families united. Yes, more than anything, this blog is about one true main American Family Value - keeping parents from throttling their left-leaning children.

Over the coming days, we'll be posting several different ways to approach their parents and admit their true voting preference. And to be able to do so without having their Holiday Season turn into a turkey-leg-throwing, insult-hurling free-for-all of anger, suspicion and betrayal.

Of course, we're interested in true stories, as well. We'd like Democratic voters to come forward with their own true stories and their advice for how to approach a far-right parent. And we're looking for far-right parents to come forward and admit how they reacted when they found out their children were voting for Obama.

Mostly, "Sorry Dad, I Voted for Obama" is a site for catharsis. It's a chance to bring out those deeply buried feelings of fear and anger. A chance to keep families together, and keep these American states united.

Please let us know any questions you may have, and our highly trained fictional staff of psychoanalysts, family counselors, military experts and religious leaders will help guide you in any way we can. We are here to help.

God Bless you all, and God bless America.